In the protected environment of the Stelvio National Park, it’s possible. The National Park protected area ensures the preservation of ecosystems, animal and plant species and their habitats, as well as the man-made cultural landscape.
The protection of the archaeological, historical, cultural and economic living conditions of the local resident population is also a priority. This involves a programme of environmental education, applied research as well as recreational infrastructure, enabling humans to successfully co-exist in harmony with the animal and plant kingdom.
My contribution for a respectful treatment of the nature and landscape
The Stelvio National Park is fascinating for its unique landscape. In order to preserve this precious Heritage also for the future generations, an adequate behavior is necessary. These principles help to enjoy the natural and cultural landscape of South Tyrol in a respectful and conscious way.

Planning: I will prepare for my tours by noting the weather forecast, carrying the right equipment, wearing sturdy shoes and taking sufficient liquids with me.

Mobility: I will use public transport whenever possible, which takes me safely and conveniently to my starting point and back.

Parking: I will only ever park my car on the designated parking spaces, never on meadows or on the roadside.

Moving around nature: I only use designated hiking or cycle trails.

Private property: I respect the private property of others.

Shared Trails: On trails meant for different purposes like hiking or biking, I behave considerately and responsibly towards others and the nature.

Huts serving food: I will have patience and understanding when dealing with the owners of mountain huts, which take a lot of work and passion to manage. I will buy something if I use the toilet, I will consume food I bring with me away from the hut and take my rubbish home with me.

Noise: I will adjust my volume to the tranquility of nature and avoid unnecessary noise. I will leave my drone at home.

Preserving flora: I will not pick or collect flowers, berries, mushrooms or other plants.

Fences/Grids: By conscientiously closing fences and gates, I help to protect pasture animals.

Grazing livestock/wildlife: I will respect animals’ habitat by keeping my distance and calmly walking past the animals.

Dogs: I will always have my dog on a lead. I will have a muzzle in my rucksack for emergencies.

Fires: are prohibited. They endanger the natural and cultural landscape and my own life.

Camping: I will only pitch my tent on designated camp sites.

Rubbish: I will throw any and all rubbish, especially tissues, cigarette butts and dog waste bags, into the containers provided or take it home with me.