Ice climbing in the Stelvio National Park in South Tyrol presents experienced ice climbers with certain challenges. This exciting winter sport can be practiced at one of the many frozen waterfalls at the end of the Martelltal/Val Martello Valley under the Ortler-Cevedale Massif. The icy waterfalls above the Altkaser meadows or the Plimabach gorge are just two of the most popular climbs. Then there is the Konzentschatter waterfall next to trail no. 37, going towards the Marteller Hütte mountain refuge.

For practice climbing, there are the artificial ice towers in Sulden/Solda. The frozen waterfalls on the Legerwand or those on the mountain massif itself present new challenges for those wanting to test themselves even further.

The Martell Ice Climbing Tower

Ideal for learning the rudiments of ice climbing or just practicing, it consists of an artificial 9 m ice tower and is located near the Hotel Waldheim in Martell/Martello.

For those interested, the Ortler Alpine School offers a trial lesson, which includes equipment rental. More information about the courses offered by the Ortler Alpine School may be found here: